Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sometimes all you need is nothing...

Staying in pajamas all day, loads of knitting, a movie while the girls napped, zucchini pie for dinner, and not bothering to have the kids clean up. Yup. Sometimes you just need a day of absolute nothing; and it usually turns out to be everything you needed...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Autumn Days

 It feels as though our days have just become a muddled jumble of activities.  Not in a bad way; just a busy one.  I've taken care of friends' children a few days, which is always nice.  Leah loves her friends and it's so wonderful to see her play with them... learning new tricks on the playground and teaching in return.  I'm still looking so desperately for children to take care of and trying not to lose hope that they are out there somewhere.  We really need the money and I just wish I knew what to do...

Anyway, we've spent a good amount of time outdoors, and while we have had a few very warm days, the temperature is steadily falling.  Our hats are spending more time with us and I have "splurged" on some slippers for myself.  I stalked the windows all day long waiting for them today and I can happily say that I now have warm toes!  I'm trying not to turn the heat on, as I'm terrified of an oil bill, but I've had to twice now.  I think we might be able to squeeze a pellet stove in our house, and so this weekend may be a time to shop.

This weekend, despite Leah having a fall cold, we headed out to the farm to get milk, eggs, and yogurt.  We brought a picnic lunch and had ever so much fun greeting the animals, running through the corn maze, picking pumpkins, and visiting the cows.

Yesterday was Columbus Day, and so I watched the two girls that I nannied for as they didn't have school.  A local farm is usually only open on the weekends for pumpkin picking, but were open yesterday, so out we went!  We all had fun on the hay ride, took our time to find the perfect pumpkins (which I then carried back to the car; my arms were killing me!), then played in a hay maze, jumped on hay bales, and visited with more animals.

Today was a day visiting with friends, and I am just exhausted.  While I know that we should really stay home tomorrow, the idea isn't too appealing and I'm hoping to find some local walking trails.  There's nothing quite like going for a walk in the autumn, is there?  We shall see.  For now, I need to get my two girls ready for bed, then Kyle will come home, we can eat some leftovers, and I can knit and watch tv.

I will end with just one more picture.  There was a HUGE mama pig with her many piglets at the farm yesterday.  Call me an extreme breastfeeding advocate, but I just love to see animals nursing their babies!  It made me a little sad to overhear so many children wondering what the piglets were doing and so confused when they were told that the pig were eating.  How have we become so removed from nature?  At any rate, Leah was so excited.  "Look, mommy!  The piggies are drinking boobies!  That mama pig has A LOT of boobies!"  Ha!  It was certainly a sweet sight...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What I'm doing...

Enjoying autumn as I never have before...
Loving our new rhythm of going to the farm every week to buy our eggs, (raw) milk, and yogurt...
Running through corn mazes...
Prepping for the cold months ahead by buying new coats, socks, and slippers...
Knitting constantly with ever so much yarn...
Making Halloween costumes...
Wearing skirts that I made myself with plans for more...
Buying myself some much needed warm boots...
Visiting the creek...
Baking the very best pumpkin cookies...
Eating cold weather comfort foods, especially outside...
Accepting that it's football season...
Laughing at Elyse's new tricks, like standing on her own and putting her hands over her head when you yell, "TOUCHDOWN!"

What are you doing?